
Monday, November 10, 2014

Trade with One Man's Junk (Wax)

Nope, I haven't dropped dead, just my posting level.  Readership has never been anything anyway, so this is pretty much for my own entertainment.

Sent a stack of 2014 Topps and some bonus Dallas Cowboys to Jeff at One Man's Junk (Wax) blog.  In return, I got two white envelope "sheet strip specials" as I call them, full of 1992 Topps baseball.  He had sent another envelope full of older Redskins a couple weeks ago.

This is our second trade.  The first time he sent me a Stephen Pearcy autograph in exchange for two Angels gamers.   Hope we keep going, though now he says he jinxed the Cowboys by trading with the enemy ~ me!

Sunday, March 02, 2014

The End of the Rainbow

With my most recent order to COMC, I finally completed the full rainbow for 2004 Leaf Rookies and Stars Longevity of Priest Holmes.  Got the Gold and True Blue Parallels to finsh out the eleven card group, including nine parallels and two jersey cards.  Had to look them up on Beckett again to make sure I had 'em all.  Sure looks good in the binder.  I pulled the Regular R&S card (that lives in the page before) and the two jerseys from my GU/auto box to scan them all together.

You have (l to r from top) Regular Rookies & Stars, Emerald jersey /40, Black jersey (patch) /25, Longevity, Longevity parallel /125, Ruby /250, True Blue /249, Sapphire /199, Gold /150, Emerald /99, Holofoil /75, and Black /75.

At some point I want to recount and calculate what percentage of Priest's cards and GU/autos I currently have.  Don't think I've reached supercollector status...yet.

Monday, February 03, 2014

Tale of the tape

 Was just reading Play At The Plate blog and came across an older post about packaging cards.  Check it out here.  He outlines two of the most important things you can do as a trader to protect your cards as well as your fellow trader's sanity.  First up is using the proper tape to secure top loaders. 

 Please don't ever use that self-fragmenting brittle clear scotch type tape!!  Blue painters (or regular masking type) tape is much more acceptable.  It is a lot easier to remove and doesn't gum up the top loaders, which leaves them actually usable for storage and display.

But if you must use clear tape, do this:

Make a pull tage by folding over the end of the strip, creating a handle.  This is so much better than having to claw for an edge or snip through a piece of tape and leaving it stuck to the top loader or snap box.