
Friday, February 23, 2018

New Custom Set: Leading Ladies Of Sports Broadcasting

Gavin over at BBC Breakdown inspired me to create a series of customs depicting pretty girls.  Keeping with the sports theme, I thought a series of cards featuring the most attractive women from the different sports channels would be cool.  I know I tune in sometimes just to see the host rather than for the highlights or discussion.  (Ever notice they almost never give the women a one-shot closeup?)

Anyway, here is the first in a series of nine (so far).  The obvious choice for card number 1 tops the list alphabetically, and by popularity, I would guess.

Erin Andrews, sideline reporter for FOX NFL, and also hosts Dancing With The Stars.  If I could write something for the back of the card, it would have to say she worked her way up on her own and does so much more than just look good.  Had a stalker who followed her around hotels before he got caught.  But all he really did to her was show the world her strength, depth of character, and resolve.  She crushed him in the courtroom and turned an ugly incident into a campaign for all people who are affected by stalkers.  She's really an amazing woman.

So I had an idea for the structure of this set.  The regular base cards are the design above, with photos of the lady in her beautiful, but businesslike state - how she looks on TV, etc.  Then since it's all about parallels and short prints these days, I figured why not do a parallel version that shows the more sultry side of the subject.  In composing these, I found multiple photos of each gal anyway, so why not use them all?  I can make short print variations with the different shots!  Mostly because I've got it down to where it's just basically pasting a frame over top the resized photo.

So here is the short print variations of card #1:


The second is a screenshot from TV. Gives her a nice angelic glow.

And here is your Passion Parallel:

<mic drop>.

All images copyright their respective owners, etc. Insert proper legalese here.


  1. Very nice! Looking forward to the rest in this series.

  2. The design looks like a Goodwin Champions or Panini football set from the past couple of years, but better.

  3. Love the tag "excuse to show pretty girl".

  4. Amazing can't wait to see who else will be in your set

  5. These came out great, the borders are nice and I like the SP variations. Well done!

    Looking forward to seeing more of these.
