
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

New Custom: Heartifacts Tandems

For a while I was creating customs of a rather cynical nature, poking fun at athletes who did stupid things.  One was Alex Rodriguez.  He appeared with his Yankee cohorts in a spoof of Jersey Shore that I called the new "Joisey" cards.  I also made one with him when he was rumored to have been dating Madonna.  Might have to continue that series at some point.

I didn't actually make one in response to his PED allegations.  A lot of people expected him to fall off the map after that.  But he has rebounded quite a lot since then.  Now he's respected as an analyst on ESPN's baseball broadcasts, and has landed one of the sexiest women around ~ Jennifer Lopez.

Originally, I was going to call this one something like "Winning Materials" since after his playing career ended and the whole steroids mess, he's now "winning" at life again.  But I found this hockey design from Artifacts and had the idea to modify that instead.

Later I will show the step by step progression in construction of this custom.  But for now....behold:


  1. Sweet custom. A-Rod is one lucky man. J-Lo is smokin' hot.

  2. That is a great custom. Did you actually print something out or just do it in photoshop?

  3. I actually use a really old copy of Paint Shop Pro. But I almost never actually print them out.
