
Monday, May 18, 2020

Cardboard OCD Chapter 7: Wrap It Up, I'll Tape It

A while back there were packaging tutorials and the annual posts about pull tabs and the proper kind of tape to use when shipping cards.  I finally remembered to take pictures while packing up a few shipments, so I figured I'd throw my 2¢ in.

So you've got your cards to send out sealed up in team bags and nestled in a bubble mailer.  Your note is written and inserted.  They are ready to go.

The mailer is sealed, but there isn't any tape on it yet.  Go ahead and weigh it up.  (A decent postal scale is about $20).

Create your mailing label online.  I use PayPal, and will document that process in another post.  (Should be easy - I write computer directions for a living after all.)  Print 'em out - to scale if necessary - I will print my label at 75% size to put on a #000 envelope instead of wrapping it around both sides.

Cut your label down to size.  I got this paper cutter for less than $10 at Hobby Lobby.  I've seen people leave the little PayPal logo at the bottom of the label.  I cut it off.  I don't advertise for anybody.

Now the label is ready for attachement.  Unless I'm recycling a mailer, I put the label on the back.  That way you seal the package with the label and leave the front clean for future use.

Here's my little taping trick.  Stretch your packaging tape just beyond the width of the label.

It's a bit too wide to use the whole piece on one side of the label.  Before you apply the tape, tear it in half lengthwise.  Decent packaging tape will tear this way easily.

Apply each half to the ends of the label.

Repeat for the long side.

I've done it so much, I can leave the second half stuck to me while I apply the first half piece.

And it's almost ready...

I like to put a couple short pieces on the sides of the envelope flap just to make sure it stays closed and discourages snooping.

We'll send it out with this video that I'm always reminded of when I hear "wrap it up".

Next time: PWE's if you please...


  1. Nice post and pics! I think I'm going to have to go and purchase a postal scale and paper cutter now. You do save $ in the long run, right?

  2. Okay, the real question here is, "Do you have three hands?" You're using two while demonstrating how to tear the tape. Your third must have taken the picture. Just saying. LOL
    I'm looking forward to the Paypal shipping tutorial. I've done it once, but I was on the struggle bus a couple of years ago and it took me forever to figure out.

    1. Tripod with phone mount!

    2. Oh, Man! That's not nearly as fun!

  3. Nice presentation! I ordered a scale about two weeks ago. It should be here any day. I also use FREE UPS label pouches. (My office ships UPS regularly. These are free with our acct.) If the label is not fully secured to the package, it can be ripped away or become water damaged on a rainy day. Overtaping however, can be obnoxious. I like the clean front-side for reuse.

  4. Food scales work just fine too, and can often be gotten for around $5.

  5. Between you and Gavin... the two of you could run a seminar on shipping card packages. Great job. I need to look into purchasing a postal scale.

  6. This is great. However I could never be as neat as this. I'm the kind of person where everything I touch wrinkles the second I touch it, it seems. When you are finished packing this together, do you leave it in your own mailbox, take it to a corner mailbox, or take it to the post office?

    1. Yes, good question. I'm hoping I can just leave it in my mailbox. Life would be so much simpler that way!

    2. Yep, once they're labeled, they're good to go.
      I have one of those community mailboxes with 15 narrow compartments and a thin slot for outgoing mail. If the package won't fit through the slot, I have to put it in my mailbox with a note so the postman will see it. Bigger stuff I have to run to the PO, which is just a couple blocks away.

  7. Ha, I also do the tear-tape-in-half thing.. though it's rare I get a nice even tear through the middle.

    Good walkthrough!
