
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Mythical Great One

Got a PWE today from Max, aka JacobMrley at the Starting Nine blog.  If you're a regular reader of his, you'll already know the punch line here, but for the rest, this is a landmark day.

It's my second foray into this level of star card.  "JM" offered it up for such a reasonable price, I couldn't refuse.  And it even leaves me one league leader variation from completing the set.

Cue the chorus music.

At the very least it's a $300 - 500 card out in the wild.  Graded copies over a 5 rating are four digits and up on eBay right now.

What do you think it would grade out at?  (If I was the grading type?)

The answer is zero.

Say What??

You see, it's the second time I've obtained a legendary star card that is completely fake.  The first time was the Jackie Robinson that I got for nothing at Chantilly back in October last year.

The colors are kinda close, but the texture of the stock is way off.  It feels like a glossy postcard or something.

And it fails the light test.  "If it's see-through, the joke's on you!"

But I knew this going in.  The price matched the expected grade.  Zilch.  I got it so I could make my trading buddy think I got one before he did.  (We both need Wayne and the #8 League Leader variation with the squished number to complete the set.)  He didn't really fall for it....immediately called it a reprint.  Ah well....

Thought I might put it in the binder to fill the space, but it's not even the right family of blue to blend in the least bit.  I'll put him in the cabinet with Jackie.

Thanks Max! 


  1. "If it's see-through, the joke's on you!" Nice.

    I picked up a reprint of this card in a dime box a while back. Pretty sure mine is stamped reprint somewhere.

  2. It really is the perfect filler card, glad it found a good temporary home in your set (and sorry it didn't fool your buddy).
