
Saturday, June 29, 2024

A New Voice And A Lot To Talk About

A few of my regular readers have found it already, but let me announce to the other few dozen of you that my friend and great constant trader Stuart has plunged into the blogging pool.

His writings can be found at  Bear with him as he learns the inner workings of Blogger and Google. For now, his posts will be simple, but in time he'll figure out pictures and links.  (And spaces after commas 😜.)

Also, stay tuned as I chronicle our first official case break.  We cracked 12 boxes of 2024 Heritage and are just now trading for the rest of the inserts and shortprints.  We hope there are some of you that aren't finished with Heritage yet.  Some nice pulls came from that case.

We also did the annual shop and show tour in my local area (MD, PA, VA).  If I don't end up putting it all away first, I'll try to sprinkle in some of the interesting pickups I got.

Thanks for stopping by!  More to come when I recover from starting back to 4x10 hour work days....


  1. Nice. Blogger doesn't like me adding new blogs to the roll anymore, so I'll have to keep checking back.

  2. Thanks for the heads up! I've also been having blogroll issues but will add him to my reading list.

  3. Added him to my blogroll. Like Greg and Bo... I was having issues with my blogroll too. I ended up spending hours removing old blogs that hadn't posted in over 3 years to make room for new and current blogs. Ultimately, it wasn't allowing me to add new blogs because I had reach a limit (300 maybe?). Anyways... look forward to reading his posts.

    Man I miss the days of busting cases. Look forward to seeing some of the hits you guys pulled... and hearing about how close you came to completing a master set.
