Monday, March 10, 2025

Cardboard OCD Chapter 7 (Revised): The Trick To Stick

Back at the start of the pandemic, I wrote an OCD article about processing mail packages and printing labels.  At that time, I was printing the labels on paper and taping them to the mailers.  

I've updated the process now to use sticker labels.  And with all the set sales and TCDB trade packages that have been flowing out of here, I'm glad I did.  The trick is aligning the label as it comes from eBay or the database to the proper orientation to print out on the actual stickers.  Here is that process...

So you get your label from eBay or PayPal/ShipStation etc. and it shows on the screen like this.  (eBay labels face one way, and the others are the opposite, in my experience.)  Hit the CTRL + Print Scrn buttons to take a screenshot.

Then open your favorite graphic editor.  I still use Paint Shop Pro 4 from the early 90's.  One of these days I'll take a course in PhotoShop.  I also recommend PhotoScape X that will do the same job.  Either way, you just need some way to crop and rotate your label screenshot.  Select just around the lines and below that little code box in the corner.  I leave off the tag lines (lower left). 


Then rotate the image 90° to the left (or right) to stand it up. 

Then copy the label image to the clipboard.

I print labels out of Word since it's less cumbersome than the Avery program.  

Paste the label image in, select it, and right click.  Go to Size and Position...

I've found that 68% is the right proportion to make the image fit the label properly.

With the image still selected, go to Mailings > Labels in the menu bar.

Confirm that you still have it set for the right label under Options - I switch between 5168 Shipping Labels and 48160 address labels, and even though I have two different documents set up to print each one, Word in its infinite genius only keeps whatever the last setting was.  Then change to Single label and set the position of the next available sticker on your current sheet and hit Print.

That's probably overkill as far as useful procedure.  Many of you probably have a totally different way to print these out.  Let me know in the comments how you get 5168 labels to print properly without having to modify them like this.

1 comment:

  1. Haven't sold on eBay since the lockdown... but it's nice to know that this post exists if I ever decide to sell again. I still use the white rigid envelopes and non-machineable stamps you showed me a few years ago (although in recent years, I have had a handful shipped back to me for more postage).
