Thursday, February 15, 2024

A Relatively Minor Purchase

A couple weeks ago, while I was browsing the forums on the TCDB, I stumbled upon a thread that asked where some collectors get their minor league cards from.  As a player collector of about 60 different guys, I have a significant list of minor league issues - mostly managers for the guys I'm looking for.  I see them on COMC and a few other places, but a lot of them are prohibitively expensive.  Sometimes you have to buy a whole team set to get one card, but I'm not doing that.

One respondent listed a couple sites that he had found.  It included  I checked it out immediately.

The site is searchable and soon I had plugged in most of my player collection list.  I came up with 14 items from five different players.  GSC's inventory is pretty good, but seems limited to the 2000's for the most part.  Which is understandable, since most collectors want current players and the latest things.  And it would probably be unmanageable to keep team sets back to the 80's unless you had a vast warehouse.

I got my order quickly and it was packaged very well.  Even included a little sticker with the website logo.

So here are the cards I got.  I scanned front and back.  (Which only took about 40 seconds with my scanner).  None of these was more than $3 apiece on the site.  I'm pleased.

Included are some playing day images so you know who these guys are.  This post is pretty lengthy will all the images.  On a regular screen, vertical fronts & backs will be side by side.  Not sure on a phone...sorry.

 Joe Ferguson played for the Dodgers and Astros.  Those unis - most excellent.


 Bud Harrelson played and managed for the Mets most of his career.  I have a few team issued cards of him as manager that I think of as minor league, but they're not.


Sparky Lyle pitched for the Red Sox, Yankees and Phillies.  Late in his career, he grew his signature mustache.

Cesar Cedeno started with the Astros and ended with the Reds.  Then apparently he came back to the Astros.


Grant Jackson debuted on that famous short printed card for the Phillies in 1966 and went on to pitch for the Orioles, Pirates, Yankees, and maybe Mariners, or not.  I do have a few of his minor league issues before this one.

I bet you won't see this many minor league cards on another blog this week.

Check out if you're in the market for any minor league player since the Milennium or so.


  1. Thanks for sharing this site. I'll definitely check them out. By the way... it's so weird seeing Ferguson without a mustache.

  2. I would imagine that there's still a market for some of the older stuff, especially the stuff featuring recognizable names.
