Saturday, September 02, 2023

Hitting The High Points

I've got a few more batches of shop & show loot to put on display, but I don't really have many more images of where they came from.  So I'll just post them by type, rather than source.

This may be the only post in this series that the typical modern collector will pay attention to.  It's all about the hits, and the shiny serial numbered stuff.  There are other autographs, etc. in what I bought, but this is the bulk of them.  If you know me at all, you know this isn't what I go after.

As you can see, this lot crosses three sports.  Not all of them are jerseys or are numbered.  I focused instead on the thickness of these cards.

They've all got a significant point size.  Later shots will be on a darker background so the white edges show better.

The thickest one is this UD the Cup Kuznetsov, numbered to 249.  

Here he is next to a regular 1978 Topps card.

And the back.  I picked this one up with a few of the others in this batch at a table in the Lansing Mall show.  Pretty sure it was a dollar box.

On to baseball and a couple player collection additions.  Can't recall exactly where I found these, but they're both bonus pickups.  Fisk is a manu-relic, which isn't attractive in itself, but it is in the 1980 design, so sentimentality won out.  Jones isn't even a player collection of mine, but I have a mini-collection of his relics in consecutive years, and this will be a nice "header card" if you will.

Fisk is a little washed out because I left the sleeve on him, but you can tell it's several times the height of the normal card.

And the backs...  Those Bowman Best are nice, but it's peculiar that the backs have the frame around them too. 

These Inceptions left their seller along with the Kuznetsov.  These are pretty, but I will only likely obtain them as singles.  Boxes are $200 and up if you can catch them.  Each card is numbered to a different figure, but the price was the same - one lucky buck.

They're probably the thinnest of the bunch, but are still multi-ply.

I didn't scan the backs of the Inceptions, nor did I separate the Doctson jersey, so I'm skipping to the back.

You saw the Illusions quarterbacks in the preview post.  I found the McLaurin quad at the same dealer at the National.  They were less than ten bucks each.

Terry is numbered to 299 and the swatches vary by color and whatever workout equipment this striped piece comes from.  The gold scanned green on the closeup tilted toward the light.

Of course, there is no explanation of what they are on the back.  

The quarterbacks one is pretty trippy.

This one I do remember distinctly.  A very pleasant dealer at the mall show asked what kind of thing I was looking for, and was appreciative that it wasn't the same as the usual.  I was thankful he took my offer of $15 for it.


Rear view and closeup of the low serial number.

Here's how the whole batch stacks up.

Luckily, most of them came in top loaders of the appropriate size, so I only have to spend two or three of my new ones.

What would you like to see next? 

Vintage, or other newer miscellaneous things?  Let me know below.  I'll try not to take all month to show this stuff.


  1. The Priest swatch wins the round.

    I guess I like the variety posts, but if the vintage is pre-1970 then that should be fun.

  2. Never seen a horizontal '80 design before. Cool look but I wish they had used a real background.

  3. I have many pet peeves, and thick-for-no-reason cards are right up there on that list. Probably has a lot to do with the fact that I put my cards in binders - because how the heck am I supposed to fit something like that Adam Jones in a nine-pocket page?

  4. Nice stuff. Switch between vintage and the new stuff!

  5. I'm a sucker for thick base/parallel/relic cards myself. If you have more like these I'd be interested to see them, but vintage is great, too.

  6. I'm sure that it's been mentioned many times before, but congratulating people for pulling a manufactured patch seems kind of silly.
