Wednesday, October 04, 2023

50's Vintage From Vacation

I promised to show the rest of my haul from this summer's trip to Michigan shops and the National in Chicago.  Sorry it's taken me a whole additional month to put up, but here ya go.

The bulk of my baseball purchases can be separated into two main parts - Older vintage, including '50 Bowman, '57 Topps and the final card I needed to kill my '64 set, and (because I finished '64, I could jump headlong into...) 1962 Topps.  This is the first part.

I'm really whittling this set down to the big cards.  Which translates to: they keep getting more expensive.  I won't rattle off the prices here, but these were all in holders marked $12.  I don't think that's what I actually paid for them, though.

The higher number ones that I'm still hunting are mostly the "no copyright" variations.  They have no date and company notations on the back.  Luckily they don't generally cost any more for either version.

Moving on to '57, I'll show them in batches grouped by dealer (denoted by different price stickers).  I have no idea of most of the dealers' names or anything.

I've mentioned before that I don't mind paying $3 or a little more for common singles from this year.  They're worth it for their age.  Commons from the 60's shouldn't run above that unless they're high numbers, in my opinion.

Got these from my man Marv who is a local dealer that I know well.  Paid a bit of a premium for these since they're hometown Tigers, but two of them are also the scarcer series.  ('57 high numbers aren't the rare ones, it's the fourth series out of five that are the tough ones.)  And Hoeft was a 20-game winner the previous year.

Found these nice stars for terrific prices at the National.  I don't look for perfection with this set, but decent centering and nice appearance are a must.  Think I got it with this trio.

Hit a bunch of nice ones from this dealer too.  A wide range of prices, but nothing crazy.  My PC guy Willie Jones at lower left.  Most of these are basic poses, but there's something cool about the on-field ones.  They just look different then other years.  Maybe it's the full bleed photo with nothing but text obscuring the image.

Another big batch from another National dealer.  Probably got some discount on these too.  Nice specimens all around.

And finally, this upgrade to Joe Adcock that I got from what I'll call the "Half Price Wooden Box".  You'll see more from the same box/dealer in later posts.  You've already seen a couple football cards from there.  I got quite a variety of cool stuff out of that box.  The dealer had showcases full of graded vintage and one 3-row wooden box with a hinged lid of off-condition cards.  They were marked with the white stickers with red dots and some had notations written in marker.  This one says "wrinkle", but I'll be dipped if I can find one.

See if you can find it.  I looked under the light with a magnifier on both sides and I can't see a flaw.  I mean, it's not Gem Mint Gradeable Perfect, but it's pristine enough for me.

Also from the same source, my first white letter variation from the 1969 set.  I'm not pursuing these, but for $7.50, how could I pass it up?  It's off-center, but I wouldn't call that VG.

Finally, the best purchase I made at the National and really the whole week:

The elusive 1964 Bob Uecker.  I searched and searched for this card before (and the first day or two of) the National and was disappointed nobody had one.  I asked my favorite seller - those of you who have been to a lot of shows already know where this one is from: Uncle Dick - if he had one.  To my delight he had just bought three of them the day before!  I got this one for about 70% less than I had expected based on the online prices I had been seeing.  Getting such a sought-after card from the best dealer around just made it that much more gratifying.

(And then my friend Stuart came running up to me after failing to reach me on my cell phone.  Now I have two....*sigh*)

Next post will be one of the three boxes of 2023 Allen & Ginter I busted, but after that get ready for wood grain borders ~ and not those damn '87's either....


  1. That Adcock card looks great to me, and so do those '50 Bowmen - especially the Giant in the bottom right corner.

  2. Classic, classic cards. ... I don't like hearing that '50 Bowman is going up, those used to be surprisingly cheap. Maybe they are if you don't care much about condition, which I don't for most '50s cards.

    1. Not sure they're rising in general, I'm more likely just down to the expensive ones.

  3. Great vintage cards. Almost makes me want to build that '57 set again.

  4. Very nice looking cards.

    From your photo of the Adcock, looks like the "wrinkle" might be just to the right of his face, near the brim of his cap?

  5. So far, at least from what you've shown, I'd say that you had a very successful vacation. I'm not sure if I've seen one of the '69 white letter variations before, but it kind of reminds me of some of the mods that Gavin has been doing.
