Sunday, March 27, 2022

Did You Say You Go To Shows For Autos?

"I'm going to a card show this weekend."

"Oh, are you showing yours or just going to see others?"

"Nope, just going to shop."

"Don't you have a lot already?"


"Like your '66 Ford?"

"Uh, yeah...I do have that."

"What others can you see there?  Cadillac?"

"Yeah, if you look hard enough...."


"Sometimes. they're kinda rare, but you'll see them here and there." 

"With the Jaguars..."

 "Ah, OK.  That makes sense."

"I like the Mavericks.  How about them?"

"If you're into them...."

"What are you looking for? Another classic in decent shape? Or something even newer and shinier?"


"Both, actually.  Nice vintage and also some modern stuff. Doesn't have to be shiny though."

"Is there racing at these shows?"

"Only a little bit here and there.  Depends on the show."

"Will there be tons of autos there?"

"Sure, but I don't really go in for those as much."

"Wait, you don't like autos?  But I thought it was a car show..."

"Oh no, it's a CARD show.  Trading cards ~ baseball, football, hockey, basketball.  And anything else..."

"Ooooh.  Well, then you won't be spending $250,000 there...."

"Oh, I could spend many times that if I believed the hype on rookie cards these days..."


  1. It's fun to mix hobbies in posts. ... A modern card worth more than a snazzy car is preposterous.

  2. Nice post! Did you pickup a Ram or Charger (or even a Bronco)?

    1. Dangit, I knew there were more. I actually drive a Charger too. Guess I could have kept that going for way too long... :)

  3. Awesome post. Super creative. How about a (Albert) Bentley?

  4. That was fun.

    Why not Jack Bentley, while you're at it? Great two way player for the minor league Baltimore Orioles, had some decent pitching seasons for the New York Giants.

  5. Good show, Greg! :)
