Saturday, May 18, 2019

Like A Stone

Went down for the count yesterday, so no Friday post like I try to do.  Spent most of the day in the ER with a kidney stone.  That's something that you young'uns should NOT look forward to experiencing.  If you're unfamiliar, it's basically a piece of gravel shredding through the passages from your kidneys to your bladder.  Pain at a 9 on a 10 scale.  But I won't bore you with the gory details.  Suffice to say, I got home that evening and all is well.  Don't think I'll need any of the painkillers they gave me.  Learned a couple things about my insides as well.

Anyway, on to the card news.

The couning continues.  The wire rack shelf is almost done.  All the big boxes totaled about 65,000.  I started on the bulk Redskins after that.  Wasn't as tedious as I thought.  Since each case is 30 slots, I just counted each slot and wrote it down.  Averaged 25-35 cards per slot, and added them up at the end to total each year.  Shouldn't take long to finish them.

Made a new page on my wantlist site.  Decided to move all the player collection parallels and high odds inserts from about 2011 to now over to their own page so they didn't clutter up the set wants page so much.  For several products, I was down to the PC stuff, most of which is really hard to find or pull, so they'll probably be on there for a long time, but since I finished all the other set stuff, it might as well be gone from there.

Been watching the Western Conference NHL finals with some interest.  I was rooting for Fuji's Sharks to this point, but I'm afraid I've got to turn on them and go for St. Louis.  If the Capitals ever disappeared, the Blues are one of the teams I'd move to.  I do like the Sharks too, but between them, I gotta go with the Blues.  The final factor is that the fans in San Jose think the team nickname has two syllables.  Can't stand that Red Sox/Yankees chant that they get going.  "Let's go Sha-arks! Blamp Blamp Blamp-bamp-bamp"  No.  Please stop.  Get it right.  "Boom Boom Boom, Let's Go Sharks (/Blues/Caps)!" 

Can't believe all the sweeps in the Eastern Conference playoffs.  Islanders sweep and then get swept, and Carolina who swept them, get swept by the Bruins.  Hope the Western victor wins it all.
Nice live version here too.


  1. Sorry to hear about your stone. Haven't had one and not looking forward to the experience.
    Dropped a PWE in the mail yesterday for you. Even though you sound as though you're recovering nicely, consider it a "Get Well" PWE!

  2. Damn. Sorry to hear about the kidney stone. My buddy had one last year and said it was the most painful thing he ever felt. The Sharks/Blues series has been awesome! Obviously pulling for SJ, but if the Blues move on... I'll be rooting for them. Although... my gut says Boston is gonna win it all. Let's go Sha-arks! ;)

  3. Sorry to hear about the Stone. One of my coworkers had one and said it was unbearable. You should be getting a package from me next week.

  4. Hopefully this'll have been the only kidney stone that you ever have to deal with. This is one of those things that I fear getting, if only because of how much pain everybody says they cause. I've looked into the food/drink items that can cause them before, and I can at least say that I don't eat/drink any of those things on a regular basis, or even a semi-regular basis, so I'm hoping that I can avoid them altogether.

    1. Yeah, they said it's most likely either diet or dehydration. My diet is crap, so I figure that's it. Might have to make some changes.

  5. i passed a stone years ago. the pain was almost unbearable! glad that's behind you!

  6. Glad to hear that is behind you. I'm near St. Louis and hoping the Blues make it to the Finals. That said I'll be rooting for the Bruins.
